The Liedertafel Male Voice Choir has been established for about 140 years;- and when you look around it may appear that we have a few of the original members! We are steadily increasing our membership but the process is gradual and we want to accelerate recruitment particularly with younger members who yearn to sing.

Our induction process for new members is simple and incremental. First, we welcome you into our group at a rehearsal. There is real value in this as you can see exactly what will be asked of you. You will be introduced to a mentor and other members who will play a special role to ensure your correct placement surrounded by similar voices, development and ensure your ongoing progress. You will speak briefly with our Music Director who will assess your voice. This is not an audition, it might be just a chat, particularly if you have had previous singing experience, The process is to place you amongst your voice group. It ensures we don’t put prop forwards amongst the backs!!

We meet every Monday evening during our season [February to November inclusive] at 6.45pm until 9.00pm in the Scottish Society Hall (corner of Edgeware and Caledonian Roads). When you are comfortable that our type of music and song …and also that you can spare the time to attend regularly, we will ask you to take a short audition. In our experience this process is self-regulating ie. if you can sing you will know by then whether to appear or not !!

The choir is comprised of an interesting mixture of men. We pride ourselves of being inclusive and as such, you may find yourself sitting next to a plumber on one side and a farmer or a physician on the other side. We are not interested in your social status but welcome you to an evening of fun and achievement at our regular rehearsals and offer you fellowship in song.You will also appear in our three annual concerts which are open to the public.

So are you coming to our next rehearsal ?

click here or ring our secretary on the number provided -

027 457 4519